Hypnotherapy London, Glastonbury, and Online
In an age where more and more people are suffering with stress-related health challenges and anxiety, depression and insomnia have reached almost epidemic proportions, the use of hypnosis can be the answer for many people.
It is fast, effective and drug free which is important for many people who strive towards a healthy lifestyle. Combined with a chart reading, deep and powerful healing will take place.
The Subconscious and Conscious Mind
Only a part of our mind is conscious - the part we experience as 'I' or 'Me' - while the subconscious contains our memories and experiences as well as controlling essential systems such as our breathing and digestive systems. When we are relaxed and calm, the 'barrier' which separates the conscious mind from the subconscious is lessened which facilitates positive re-learning, allowing us to replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones.
Some Common Misconceptions
Quite naturally, some people have fear that they may be under the control of the person who is hypnotising them. This could not be further from the truth as all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.
The therapist simply facilitates the process- it is YOUR subconscious which does the work. In the same way, your subconscious can reject any suggestions or techniques it is not happy with - you cannot be made to go against your will. Some people worry that they may get stuck in an altered state or behave in a way which could embarrass them - again, this does not happen.
These are the conditions that I work with:
Anxiety Worry Depression Low self-confidence Low self-esteem Panic attacks Stress and stress-related conditions | Insomnia Smoking Cessation Weight Management Teeth Grinding Exam Nerves Public Speaking Stage Fright Performance Anxiety | Addictions Phobias Fear of flying Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sports Performance Relationship Issues Nail biting |
To find out if hypnotherapy could work for you, call Veronica on +44 (0)20 7281 2042 or send her an email.